Add subdomains in one Let's Encrypt certificate
Add subdomains to one Let's Encrypt certificate.
Because Let's Encrypt has currently limit 5 certificates / 7 days on one domain.
Example: in one Let's Encrypt cerftificate will be this DNS names:;;;
I think it will be helpful if you can simply add your own domains and subdomains in Let's Encrypt Certificate.

Wildcard certificates issuing is available starting 2.6.0
So, now it’s possible to use the same certificate for domain and subdomains
Anonymous commented
Our company is required same thing.
Deepesh commented
Plesk team must implement SAN certificate multiple domains or sub-domains in single certificate. This is the alternative option for wildcard
Anonymous commented
If you have a lot of subdomains, you may want to combine them into a single certificate, up to a limit of 100 Names per Certificate. Combined with the above limit, that means you can issue certificates containing up to 2,000 unique subdomains per week. A certificate with multiple names is often called a SAN certificate, or sometimes a UCC certificate.
letsencrypt allow this as mentioned on
Plesk team should implement this feature as soon as possible
BW commented
+1 It would be very usefull to be able to add custom subdomains when requesting a Let's Encrypt certificate.
DerDanilo commented
Since Startcom/StartSSL is going down the bad way, we need a replacement asap. Let's Encrypt solves this generally, but it's not yet possible to manage multi-subdomain certs in plesk.
Please make it possible to add multiple subdomains to create the mailserver certificate.
Either let the admin choose on their own or define at least the follwoing default subdomains to be included into the host!
[Deleted User] commented
letsencrypt for webmail.domain.tld, mail.domain.tld ftp.domain.tld etc
Anonymous commented
at least WEBMAIL ! -
Azurel commented
For me, subdomains working with lets encrypt extension, but not domain aliases -
AmaZili Communication commented
Definitly needed for technical subdomains like pop, smtp, imap, webmail and so on ...
Björn Strausmann commented
The Number for Lets Encrypt Certificates comes not from Plesk, the Certificate is limited to one domain additional the www subdomain by lets encrypt self. This is the feature for this certificate. Wildcard is the same problem.
Fred commented
would also be great for webmail sub-domain
Erik Booij commented
This would be wonderful, primarily because of the rate limit currently imposed.
Silvio commented
That would be awesome and would simplify the work with a wordpress mulitsite with subdomains enabled and a wildcard setup in plesk! I guess that is a common situation?