Some Improvements and Options for the ftp server
If you give the Login data to a Customer you normaly don´t want the next Customer to get access to the data (Sensible Datas) via the same login.
So i´d say it would be practical if the password would change per login and that you´d get a notification Email that the Customer had logged in and the new automaticaly generated password for the next login with the same Username (requires a registred Email adress per Username for notification).
Also it´d be usefull if the notification Email would Include a Direct Link to the ftp adress to add and remove Data
and the Option to Delete all Data on the FTP Folder the Login is connected to.
(New Options * marked)
Username: SL13
PW: 1234
FTP Folder: root/ftp/SL13/
*Password Generator: o
*Email adress (required):
*Folder all Data delete option: o
*Give new generic Password: [Button]
-Example end
So if there´s someone using the Login to Connect to the FTP the required Email adress will be contacted.
The Email could look like this - Example:
Subject: ftp access
Someone just logged in on the ftp server ([directlink]
Your new Logindata are:
Username: SL13
Password: giuh13*oes9
[if Folder all data delete is enabled]
Do you want to delete all existing data in your ftp folder (Contact Customer if he downloaded all nessecary data)
[Directlink][your generic code]
If that´d be an option it would be easy for workers with almost no IT knowledge to use and manage data on the FTP Server, make the data transfer safer (due to generic passwords) and also take a lot of unneccecery work from the IT Management.
Thank you for your input!
Unfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.