Mass PHP Version Change tool
Some of our Plesk servers (both windows and linux) have some domains that are still using PHP 5.2
Hosting Plan settings now are set to either 5.6 or 7 which sets up new domains on new PHP versions.
We now want to remove all older PHP versions.
I would like a tool in Plesk settings for admins to find domains by PHP version
ie show all domains using PHP 5.2
then i can select one/multiple/all and change to ie PHP 5.6 or 7
our plans is to to something similar to above then uninstall old PHP versions.
There is a trick:
1) Remove php packages which you don’t want to use
2) run `plesk repair web` – it will find ‘orphaned’ domains which uses removed PHP version and `repair` utility asks you to switch all of them to one of installed PHP versions.
— SU