Remote logging feature for plesk
Due to compliance logging in the server is not acceptable. We need an option to redirect all plesk logs to syslog so that we can redirect the logs to remote server using syslog.
Hostasaurus commented
Five years later, instead of caring about security, they provide a way to gain root access through the UI that you have to explicitly disable instead of enable... and still no syslog of such activity.
Hostasaurus commented
I'd like to see this as well. Anything that goes into Action Log should also be able to be sent to syslog, which would allow it to immediately leave the server to one or more additional destinations to ensure the logs are preserved through a server compromise or malicious Plesk 'Additional Administrator' behavior.
I suspect this is the kind of feature that larger customers of Plesk want. I also suspect it will never get the votes necessary for Plesk to care, because this stupid way of requesting features means nothing that appeals to people managing a very large number of servers ever receives enough votes, as all the popular requests are things that appeal to people running one copy of Plesk. They're clearly headed in a direction of not placing any value on enterprise customers, because few, if any, features of the past few years seem to be of interest to that type of customer.
Tomislav Kotulenko commented
it would be a very nice feature when plesk could send all logs to another syslog server and
on the webserver itself would no logs be written. -
anonymous commented
A way redirect Plesk logs for domains to syslog on a single process.
As of now, it can be done through adding logger lines in virtual hosts template but this generates a logger process for each virtualhost which is not acceptable when there is a high amount of virtual hosts present in the server.