Use Lets Encrypt to secure FTPs connections
I usually use the subdomain for the client FTP connections.
And to secure those connections I enabled FTPs. But at this point the users receive a certificate host name mismatch because the FTPs connection is being setup using the VPS Lets Encrypt cert.
It would be nice to use the Lets Encrypt certificate service also to secure the FTPs connections.

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— AY
Pascal DEVIF commented
+1 on Alexander's comment !
Anonymous commented
Alexandre is right ...
It's crazy to don't have that implemented for years ...
400+ votes ! -
Alexandre Féron commented
Now in 2025 this is a MUST-HAVE. FTPS connections must use the Default Certificate used to secure Plesk access, the same.
It is UNACCEPTABLE that clients have to connect via FTPS and receive an outdated Self-Signed certificate !
Indeed, this Plesk article states that the SSL/TLS Certificate used to secure FTPS connections SHOULD BE THE SAME, BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE in real world !
Quoting Plesk from this article : "the certificate which is used for securing Plesk at Tools & Settings > SSL/TLS Certificates > Certificate for securing Plesk is also used for all FTPS connections to the server"Now please align your promises and functionalities.
PS : This article was added to and saved locally, so please do not alter this article. Conversely, just make Plesk behave as it should. -
Ravi Sharma commented
Dec 2024, and not there yet.
Robin Labadie commented
ProFTPD supports SNI via VirtualHost feature.
It's as easy as that:
# Host-specific configuration for ""
ServerName ""
TLSEngine on
TLSRSACertificateFile /etc/proftpd/certs/example1-cert.pem
TLSRSACertificateKeyFile /etc/proftpd/certs/example1-key.pem
</VirtualHost>This should be implemented quite easily and would be a major positive point for Plesk and us users and admins.
If at least this were to work with wildcard certificates first... Would be nice.
davdpwr commented
Not even relevant to me (non plesk customer) but I know exactly how you feel and why BUT WOW 8 years+??? Give these guys a cookie at least (like, a bakery one. No trackers)
Andrew Adkins commented
This is an important issue. Each domain should have its own certificate which also includes FTP.
Niels Büttner commented
FTPS with websitename.tld works using Let's Encrypt. So enough security is possible if wished. But nevertheless it would be great if something like ftp.websitename.tld would be possible with a guilty Let's Encrypt certificate.
And take in account: One can enforce users to use guilty secured connection. Then only websitename.tld is possible with FTPS.
Javier H. commented
Unbelievable. +1
MICHIO SATO commented
I want you to be able to use Let's Ecrypt when connecting to FTP.
Matthias commented
Dear Pleskians,
Did you have a look at your licensing models and prices lately?
I mean how ignorant and how arrogant are you, to believe you just have to consider a feature if an enormous number of users think it is important? By the way how many voters do you need at all?Did you ever consider that Plesk is mostly used by Webhosting companies which are eager to offer the most comfortable services to their customers? And did you ever consider that to do so, the Webhosting companies decided that Plesk is THE thing (when pricing was moderate) and switched to Plesk whilst now paying triple as much for your increasingly unstable and more and more buggy solution?
There was a time when Plesk was THE game changer. And now? One mistake chases the next - think of the last incident when Apache Update surprised you because you mod_proxy did not work anymore?Well, Plesk is still a game changer, but not for the best. Your new tactic is to offer a basic framework and remove all sensible features and offer them as an upsell or simply decide we don't need them.
Why are you so curious to see how long it will take till the next unicorn appears and your time is over?
Implement standards like Let's Encrypt for FTP or http/3 for gods sake!
David Viard commented
@63352059-plesk-staffAre you reading this thread?
actually, do something at last. We have waited long enough. more than 300 votes! -
Bragi Austfjörð commented
If my server get hacked do to ftp certificate vulnerability, Plesk will be sued.
This is not a threat it's a fact.
Terry Reynolds commented
If one scrolls to the bottom of this page and clicks the link to the last page of comments, a message appears.
How importantant is this for you? Buttons are Not at all, Important and Critical. Choose as appropriate.
Terry Reynolds commented
I agree with all the comments supporting this and would add that this isn't a 'nice to have' feature, it's an absolute necessity in today’s internet.
I also agree with Niels Büttner’s comments, it would be nice of Plesk to explain why this feature has not been implemented, despite overwhelming support for it among the community.
Niels Büttner commented
It would be really, really, really ... did I forget "really"? Well, then I repeat ... it would be REALLY nice this feature would be implemented after about 6 years.
At least I would like to know what is technically hindering for implementing this.
Martin commented
Pls implement !!!
Nicolas Lambert commented
Let's get all people that posted over the years to up this topic. This really needs to be done!
Franco commented
In 6 years Plesk can't do something a script kid could do in 5 minutes.
I'm embarrassed for them (not only for this lack obviously) and so we'll switch 90+ servers to an Open Source CP that could do this stuff with an effort of 1.5h by a freelance engineer.
MEL commented
It's hard to believe this feature has not been implemented yet.
C'mon guys. We need this.