Change database autogenerated name convention in APS
Installing Wordpress 8or other apps) via APS, the autogenerated database name is something like 'wordpress_N' with N incrementing from 1, that is non-sense and causes great troubles when using Plesk Migrator to migrate a subscription to another server when there are already installed applications.
You may name the database like 'wordpressX' with X random, or include part of the domain name in the database generated name, for example if domain is named testdomain.tld the db name maybe 'testdomainX'.
hank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Julian Bonpland commented
When WP toolkit screen is shown with default settings it shows random names for Database Name and username.
It would be nice to implement the database name and username based on the domain name.