Regenerate cron jobs when performing dist-upgrade
When performing dist-upgrade, following recommended KB procedure, the list of PHP handlers shown under Scheduled Tasks > Use PHP version is not updated tor reflect the new PHP version from OS vendor.
For example, after upgrading from Ubuntu 14 to 16, such list still shows "PHP 5.5.9 from OS vendor". This is not just a visual glitch but a serious problem that stops from working all cronjobs that was set to be run with PHP 5 from OS vendor and that version is unavailable anymore.
In the example above, after upgrading to Ubuntu 16, PHP 5 is not available anymore and these cronjobs fails with "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/php5: No such file or directory" with no warnings during update process. You should fix them manually, opening one by one and saving settings again (this will regenerate cronjobs).
Also plesk repair wasn't helpful as it does not regenerate cronjobs
Thank you for reporting this bug, we have forwarded it to developers.
Note: only feature requests are allowed here, so we would appreciate if you post bugs and issues on our forum at We are closing this request, since it does not contain any feature suggestions.
— AY
Upd: Bug was confirmed and submitted by developers as PPPM-7371
Marco Marsala commented
This maybe happens because there are residual 5.5.9 packages in the system that aren't correctly purged during upgrade.