PostgreSQL integration and tuning
Please do better integration of PostgreSQL into Plesk like CPU and memory usage in Health Monitoring and Dump button in Database page. Please also add PostgreSQL tuning into Plesk, especially for modern hardware with 32 or 64 GB memory and 4 to 8 cores and fast SSD or NVMe drives. Thanks!
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Antonio Gabriel Rubio commented
I know is a hard task with maybe not so great reward, but I think we definitively need more support for postgres.
Oldiesmann commented
I would like to see you support PostgreSQL as well as you do MySQL/MariaDB - offer packages for all supported versions instead of just whatever the OS currently has in their repo. I mostly use PostgreSQL for testing stuff and it's hard to test software using the latest version of PostgreSQL without installing it on my own computer instead. Manually upgrading PostgreSQL is possible but is a pain.
Anonymous commented
Just updated to Obsidian and not checked what is or not there as I had to run PGSQL unsupported on my last installation (as the DB was too new). But if this is not already in there for the currently supported version... it would be great to see some of the elements being suggested here.