add switch to enable/disable "restart_apache_gracefully" option via admin ui
By default, every time you modify hosting / apache / nginx or ssl settings for ANY websites, plesk will restart apache server and during that time ALL websites on the server are down returning "Connection time out" or "502 Bad Gateway" errors.
Even if such changes are made by clients from their accounts, all websites will be down during the next restart.
"restartapachegracefully" option will help to avoid this and tell apache to reload the config on the fly.
it is not perfect, but it is still better than seeing 502 Bad gateway every n-th seconds on any website on the server.
please add a switch on "Tools & Settings > Apache web server" page to enable/disable restartapachegracefully option. (we can do it manually from cli, but enabling it via admin interface would be more comfortable)
Implemented in Plesk Onyx 17.9 Preview 7 –
The Plesk administrator can now select the type of Apache restart (graceful or normal) in “Tools & Settings” > “Apache Web Server” (under “General Settings”).