Make it possible to checkout a specific git commit or tag
Make it possible to checkout a specific git commit or tag.

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— rk
Robert den Ouden commented
+1 please make this
John Karamatsoukas commented
almost 3 years later and this has not been implemented?
Gkhn Zrgn commented
i agree, this functionality required
TubbyNL commented
Yes, it's quite interesting on why, i'm afraid a significant share of the plesk audience isn't really into versioning
Tom commented
So strange that you can't use tags for deployments. And even more strange that not any people vote on this.
TubbyNL commented
not having this feature results in users applying anti-patterns in versioning, it's such a basic git feature it can't be "not supported" or based op "popularity"
DerDanilo commented
Without being able to checkout specific tags the plugin is not useful for many projects
ruud commented
4 july 2018, is there any news on this issue??
Anonymous commented
Make it possible to deploy Git repository using tags instead of branches