Add ECC CSR support
Now Plesk uses RSA encryption method, but we would like to use ECC CSR support as it's considered more modern.

We’ve released Let’s Encrypt Extension 2.7.2:
2.7.2 (17 January 2019)
• [*] In Plesk for Linux 17.8 and later, the extension now supports issuing ECDSA certificates. To have the extension issue certificates signed with ECDSA, add the following lines to the panel.ini file:
key-algorithm = ECDSA
ecdsa-curve-name = prime256v1 ; can be omitted
Christian Heutger commented
How about users, who want to use other certificates than Let's Encrypt (e.g. as Let's Encrypt has worse reputation, if want to use EV or other reasons)?
Anonymous commented
Please add the ability to create CSR for SAN SSL certificate via Plesk GUI at Domains > > SSL/TLS Certificates > Request
Currently, it is possible to create a CSR for only one CN or for wildcard certificate