Exclude domains from backup in UI or provide option to select what should be included
Add an option to exclude domains / clients / resellers from a backup to the Plesk user interface.
Currently, it is possible only via command line:

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Aakhyan Gupta commented
Hi Plesk Team,
This should be added as on priority basis.
I have few more suggestions for more customisations:
1. Provide the GUI to exclude all possible cases such as Mailbox, Databases, Websites, Domains, Subscriptions.2. Another option that can be to simply do you want to exclude the suspended subscriptions, like its provided in the cPanel Backup options list. But suppress any error generated from this suspended subscription.
3. For such subscriptions that are suspended or disabled or do not have any mailboxes created, suppress the warning "The email messages are not backed up because the mail service is not active." from the Backup Result (migration.result) file, but keep it in the Backup Log (migration.log) file.
Mauro Pizzolato commented
per favore aggiungetelo
Petr Vonka commented
please add it
Melhem Dagher commented
need it
Antoine commented
can u ?
Riku Ansem commented
This is still alive? Seems to be forgotten.
Łukasz commented
I vote for the ability to crawl specific domains from backup.
Juan Ponce commented
This would be wonderful, even if you can exclude mail from a certain domain for example.
Ahmed M Hassan commented
Please implement this feature soon.
Alexis Gaitan commented
2022 and this option still not implemented? no way! how we can schedule automatic backup but excluding some domains? theres no option ? really?
thank you
yulz commented
add the ability to exclude the suspended /disable domains
Del Corso commented
It is bizarre to me that this is supported via command line but not via the pane! How hard could it be to implement this? 3 YEARS later still waiting....
Lukas Meyer - Mainweb GmbH commented
Hi there, we would really appreciate the implementation of this feature.
cadns commented
This is a really important feature that should be implemented as a priority. The number of users implementing WP backup plugins, which store backups in their directory tree is increasing. This makes backups of backups when you do full server backups. We definitely should be able to exclude by customer and/or subscription and/or domain.
Anonymous commented
I would like to have the option to select what to backup, rather than what to exclude.
I have 20 wordpress sites of 10GB total space and one news website that is about 110GB alone..
I would like to have the option to exclude lets say 2011-2020 folders inside uploads folder that is about 105GB, files that are not changing and backed up in my pc!!
Thanks!! -
Anonymous commented
This is important, as some domain's size is big and some domains are doing their own backups and so on, so we can free space on backup size and resources to create backups.
Chris commented
I have a 4TB drive with my Plesk install and trying to back up that if full would be next to impossible. As individual domains can already be backed up it makes no sense for a server backup not to have the facility to exclude individual domains otherwise you're basically saying, 'Plesk - for small drives only!'.
Angel Amarilla commented
upvoting this, need this please.
Kirk commented
Definitely needed for basic efficiency running full server backups. It would add a lot of much needed flexibility and really is surprising that it isn't already there.
robotic commented
I'd really like to have a UI to select what is contained in a serverwide scheduled backup.
We have a couple of domains where people dump photos and videos for further processing, amounting to 100s of GBs, and we don't need backups of those.
The UI you got for the restore dialog would be just fine.
I think it makes more sense to select what is contained, than what to exclude.