Add the functionality to modify the notify-to-soa option from within Plesk and make it persistent
Add the functionality to modify the notify-to-soa option from within Plesk and make it persistent.
Right now it can be done as per the workaround shown here:
However, this solution is not persistent as the file /etc/named.conf gets overwriten everytime a change is made in Plesk.
Plesk Obsidian 18.0.42 ( with this feature is now available! We’d like to thank everyone who commented on this request and provided invaluable feedback. Thanks!
If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum:
We’re closing this request since the support of managing the "notify-to-soa" option is completed.
— AY
Ron Randasche commented
Please add this feature asap. Thx.
Brian Essig commented
This should be such a quick change and be massively useful for those of us that need it.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
How is this not a feature? It's mandatory for master/***** setup.
Eduard Gubert commented
It should be there already!
anonymous commented
Need this as well.
Anonymous commented
Need this ASAP