Add TRIGGER privilege management for database users
Some of our customers are asking for a way to define triggers on their MySQL/MariaDB databases. Plesk does not grant the TRIGGER privilege on database users it creates.
Modifying the GRANTs for those users created by Plesk is not a viable workaround, because the permissions get reset if the user is later modified at all via Plesk.
The only known workaround is to create and manage a separate database user outside of Plesk, which is obviously contrary to the purpose of having Plesk on a server in the first place.
Please consider adding TRIGGER privilege management to Plesk, or else a supported way to retain customised database user permissions.
This feature request has been reviewed. The "trigger" privilege is included in the user privileges section. The necessary privilege can be selected in the "Structure Access" section of each database user (please see attached screenshot). In the review we have verified that the trigger privilege is fully operational by using the examples from the official MariaDB documentation, section "Creating a Trigger". This was possible to do with a normal database user that has the "Trigger" privilege checked in the "Structure Access" section in the database user configuration page of Plesk.
-- PD