Awstate update to supports Geoip registration
As AWstat is still core part of Plesk, will it be good to have a solution out-of-the-box that is able to geolocalize the hits isn't it ?

Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Now you can use this instruction –
David Rieß commented
Perl scripts help people for more than 30 years already....
Sebastian Gross commented
I was really surprised that this was not already included - please make it happen :)
joseinfografo commented
Seria muy importante poder contar con los datos de whois sin tener que recurrir a copiar la dirección IP de las estadísticas para buscar una página que te lo diga.
Tal y como están aquí:/It would be very important to be able to have the whois data without having to resort to copying the IP address from the statistics to look for a page that tells you.
As they are here: