Disk usage information for subdomains and additional domains via interface.
- Be able to review the real disk usage of the subdomain instead only the total.
As for now, Plesk only shows the total of the disk usage on the main domain as eg:
Example.com total usage is 2GB
1.example.com Total usage is 10GB
2.example.com total usage is 10GB
Plesk interface only shows the total value under the main domain, in this example case: 22GB, instead show the usage separately.

Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Patrizia Marano commented
It is very important for customers
Adrian commented
It is very important for customers to know exactly how big which website is. A query with ‘du -sh *’ would provide the information directly. Please add this feature soon.
Lukáš Hájek commented
Lol. So you have in Plesk info about data in subdomain, this info is wrong, and noting happen with this really easy solutable problem? Really nice Plesk, really nice... But significantly increasing licence fee, this is another song, right?