List SSL expiry in domains list
List of SSL Expiry date in domains list, and make it sortable so we can target domains with close expiry.
Since version 1.12.0 of the SSLIt, published January 17th, 2023, the extension provides a bird view of all SSL certificates including their expiration dates.
-- PD
Brainforge.UK commented
Not the right place to show this but for those interest from command line you can do this:
for s in ` /usr/sbin/plesk bin subscription --list | sort`
echo $s
(openssl s_client -servername $s -connect $s:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates) </dev/null
doneStill does not negate the need to see expiry date listing from Plesk panel.
Brainforge.UK commented
To clarify this could be added next to the Renewal Date.
A better idea would be to group the listing columns into tabs for instance:
"Subscriber Renewal Date Disk Usage Traffic" in one tab.
"SSL Information / expiry date" in another tab.
Other (existing) columns shown to left / right of all tabs.A command line utility to show doman and SSL expiry date would initially be useful if that is easrier.