Add the ability to add and host clients on a second drive
you guys are owned by one master company i get it dosnt make sense to use cPanel idea on hosting with /home and a second drive running /home2 but the idea is that we should still be able to add the ability to host clients off a second drive like for instance with vultr we can add block storage as a second drive and if i was using cPanel i could make new clients host off the second drive reasoning is alot of people starting or using a lower end vps or dedicated server for say storage wise would be able to add a bigger better drive for hosting as Plesk offers addons for plans it be nice to be able to allow that user to purchase for say 5gb extra for 99 cents for say and have this done on the block storage / (second drive) this way hosters can upgrade their hosting storage as needed and upsell and provide proper addon functionality you guys are shaving 4 seconds on domain creations but THIS HERE is what we want to see as hosting providers!
With completion of in December 2022 (Support for NFS Partitions) an alternative became available to achieve the desired outcome of this feature request. For details please see the "Network File System Storage" section of
-- PD