I need TTF (True Type Font) support for use with/in a PHP Captcha class.
There are different kind of Security steps we have to take in use for the user interaction. CAPTCHA is the main item in this respect when we provide users with front end data input(via any form) and in some cases all forms do not support Google Re-Captcha, then we have to use custom PHP Captcha class to complete the security steps of user submitted data within a form.
For most of the character based Captcha, they mostly used TTF font (True Type Font).
So, Please add support for TTF Fonts with Plesk.
TTF themselves are just font files. If you want to create images including TTF fonts, this is solely done by your software and does not need any specific support on the web server or operating system. If you want to enable TTF downloads, meaning that TTF can be used by surfers directly from your website, you need to add a MIME type for your file. This can already be done and is described here: https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003017653-How-to-configure-MIME-types-for-a-domain-in-Plesk
Should this not meet your expectations, please add a more detailed description to this feature request what you understand by "support for TTF fonts".
-- PD