Add the ability to not reject sent email messages where the number of BCC recipients is higher than value for Outgoing Mail Control
For example, in case our PPPM-7181 ( feature request is done or workaround by setting smtpdrecipientlimit in Postfix configuration is applied and Outgoing Mail Control is set as 10 email messages per hour.
In this case, in an attempt to send an email message where 100 BCC recipients, the error below will be shown and the email just be rejected:
SMTP Error (452): Failed to add recipient "" (4.5.3 Error: too many recipients).
Please add the following possibility:
For example in the described scenario, 10 email messages will be sent within an hour and 90 messages will be put into the email queue and on the next hour the next 10 messages will be sent and 80 put into the email queue.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.