Drupal 9, 10 support in Plesk
The last support version of Drupal is 8.9.20 in Plesk, some users want to use the last version, 9.4.x. it is possible to have higher Drupal version in Plesk?

Hello, everyone.
Support for Drupal 10 was introduced back in February, 2024 with Plesk Obsidian 18.0.59. We would like to apologize for the delayed updated, in case you have missed that in the Plesk changelog.
-- SH
Dorothea Zwoelfer commented
it would be very helpfull, if Plesk supports the actual version of drupal 10 (and later on 11...), because we as NPO work with drupal since 2018 and we do not have much ressources for technical questions like installing drupal major updates.
Phil Clayton commented
@Plesk Tech Support - is there limitations on the free trial version stopping the latest version from showing up?
Kind regards
Phil Clayton commented
Where is the Drupal 10 support via the applications menu @Plesk Tech Support, please?
I only see 8.9.20 as the maximum version?
Plesk Tech Support commented
Drupal 10 support, installation via Applications menu
Ralph Redlich commented
I can recommend updating the cms via composer.json. I'm running a D10 site at the moment and don't have any problems so far. Whether you use github or upload your composer .json and .lock files directly you should be able to keep the app updated fairly easy.
Jason Reid commented
I find it quite ridiculous that 14 months after Drupal 8 went end of life (https://www.drupal.org/psa-2021-06-29) that there still is no support for Drupal 9, nor Drupal 10. Just support for a version that isn't even supported itself.
IT IS AND I AM IT commented
does anyone know a solutions for updating Drupal 8.9 to the newer version.
IT IS AND I AM IT commented
I even purched a License for Softaculus, hoping to use it in Plesk, to update my Drupal Sites, and it is worthless. I wasted that money. I have one site running the newer version of Drupal, but I had to import it, and import the database from another server. However, I have 4 other Drupal sites, using Plesk, and they are all still 8.9, and composer does not update them, and I can not install new modules. I have spent countless hours trying to figure this out, and now I am just looking for a new host, and one that provides a solution for running Drupal CMS,
Imma garcia commented
Nuestros servidores son plesk y neceitamos que soporte drupal 9
¿cuando llegará?
plesk 18 soporta ?
Apache solr 8.4
Composer v2
Varnish 6.0para poder instalar el drupal 9 a "mano" ???