Custom Bookmarks on homesite / start-screen
It would be a good idea to put the bookmarks back in the panel. In some earlier versions of plesk ( 9 or ten i think) we could generate a bookmark for every website of the plesk-system (i.e. a special hosting or a database) wich enable a solution for 1click administration of our most used actions in plesk.
thanks for bring it back again!

Adam Kijak commented
Shortcuts to specific extensions please
print commented
Nice idea, can decrease times alot.
JJ commented
Hello Sergey,
why not for every screen? Each administrator use plesk for his own things in his own ways.
The shortcuts wich i mean are just links - quick links to a page somewhere deep in plesk, wich i - and just i - need for my work. So it would be great, if i coul pin me this pages on my startscreen.
Im with David: Have to manage several servers with not the same configuration and not the same clients. On one Server i need more database-shortcuts, on the other i need only email-shortcuts and so on.
Earlier Versions of Plesk had a "favorites"-button on the right top of every page. Look on this screenshoit of plesk9 : is what is mean. Its easy or not?
Thanks alot!
Hi Timothy,
Got your point about extensions. Which exactly extensions you would like to shortcut?
Extensions are actually capable to make shortcuts for themselves in practically every spot of user interface. Maybe some extensions need to add entrypoints for them
Hi David, when you need a shortcut for email or phpmyadmin - would it be a shortcut to "managing email for subscription" or "managing email for <select> subscription"? Same question about phpmyadmin
Any other examples maybe? Examples are important, because if we will do shortcuts, they will be available for suggested operations only and surly not for every screen.
David Spencer commented
Anything that requires more than three clicks to get to is a candidate for me. I manage several client servers and there are routine tasks that wind up doing often such as managing email addresses for a subscription or opening PHPmyAdmin for a database. Think along those lines.
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to create shortcuts for extensions.
Nelson commented
Building on, or modifying, this suggestion, it would be useful for an administrator to select a default tab when looking at subscriptions. The default is the first tab "General". It would be better to allow a choice (or set) the default tab as "Websites & Domains".
Jennifer Arsenault commented
I've added shortcuts on the admin home page to a few databases by using Tools & Settings > Panel Appearance > Custom Buttons, and I've also added some shortcuts to the subscription main page by using Account > Additional Services. However, it takes some work to find the right URL to use. It would be nice if there was an easier way to accomplish this.
Jennifer Arsenault commented
I've added shortcuts on the admin home page to a few databases by using Tools & Settings > Panel Appearance > Custom Buttons, and I've also added some shortcuts to the subscription main page by using Account > Additional Services. However, it takes some work to find the right URL to use. It would be nice if there was an easier way to accomplish this.
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