Plesk Backup & Restore III - Wrong Option
The output during import in any combination whether "database only", "files only", "configuration only" is really insufficient, no information is passed on, e.g. the individual steps mentioned above, when importing a "domain" the domains all run as above, but for which task and how far the individual task is completely missing. Perhaps the old progress bar should be kept and another one should be shown where the individual steps are carried out, the more details the better.
At the end after the import, unfortunately you can only see the "date and time" and not what was imported at all. I'm sitting in front of it right now and got a little confused because I imported individual domains, for example, and got confused so quickly.
An output of any errors should be possible via toggle, ideally immediately after the backup import has finished.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it becomes popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important
-- SH