Enable chrooted sftp for more than one user per account
If I use FTP, I can make as many users as I want. For various reasons, using FTP is not optimal at my workplace. I'd like to be able to let each ftp user I create log in with chrooted sftp.
I'm able to modify /etc/passwd and /var/www/vhosts/example.org/etc/passwd to make it work, but doing that manually kind of defeats the point of using a tool like Plesk...
Specifically, I give the ftp user the same home directory, and shell as the initial sftp user has in each passwd file.

This is a valid request, so we’ll look into it. There is no ETA at the moment, but we would really appreciate you voting for this request so that we can accurately assess its popularity relative to other features.
The original request contains a manual solution, so, we consider to automate it. Please, add a comment if your case will not be solved with that solution.
Thanks in advance!
— rk
Jo Vandendriessche commented
Please add this feature ...
Markus Pustal commented
Could have been implemented years ago...
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature. Due to the increasing frequency of security audits, we need the ability to create new SFTP users with permissions set to read-only for the account.
Javier Prieto commented
I am looking for this feature for IoT applications, not all devices can support FTPS so SFTP is the choice.
Thank you very much -
Tamer Eid commented
The summary of FTP issue and workaround fix:
In Plesk it is possible to have only one user that could access domain via SFTP & can not have different home directory than the web home directoryso the solution until they implement it as i write before:
1) create additional FTP account from GUI admin panel.2) run the commands below from SSH:
usermod -s /bin/bash <username>
mkdir /home/<username>
chown versand /home/<username>3)also remember to delete home directory /home/<username> after you delete additional FTP user
hope that help someone
Chris commented
Clients that are connecting using a phone hotspot cannot access FTPS. Advice is that SFTP is compatible with hotspots
James commented
How about mod_sftp support in proftpd? http://www.proftpd.org/docs/contrib/mod_sftp.html
Ulrich commented
Soon this suggestion will celebrate its 10 years anniversary!
When can we expect it to be implemented, after you accepted this to be a valid request 5 years ago (sic!) ???
Evangelos Toufexis commented
There is a need to have more than one user for sftp account.
Carl Olofson commented
I add my voice to this feature request!
Mark commented
Bitte SFTP für alle User und freier Wahl des Verzeichnisses zur Verfügung stellen!
Ist doch eigentlich Stand der Technik / Sicherheit...Danke Mark
Onki commented
Some external application require a SFTP account and don't work with FTP or FTP/TLS.
But no one would like to use the domain master login for this. Therefore SFTP accxounts with directoiry restriction would be important. -
Alex McCourty (Akkypac) commented
Wow, I can't believe that this feature is still not available after all this time!
Please do more than "look into it" as this is just a practical and secure no-brainer.Just get it done!
Elliot Chikofsky commented
We definitely need to be able to create via Plesk subdirectory FTP users that access their respective folders using SFTP. It is a significant flaw in Plesk that we cannot do this now. Please treat this as an urgent security matter for your users and fix it right away.
The August 13 2022 comment by Alex shows that the "workaround" creates a significant security flaw, so that so-called "workaround" is unacceptable.
Alex commented
Tried your workaround https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213912005-SFTP-is-not-available-for-additional-FTP-users and it worked. I am now able to login as additional dev_user by SFTP, BUT he is able to navigate throughout my whole server directory and not only the one that I specified in Domains > FTP Access > dev_user, so the solution doesn;t really work for my needs (which are to give one of our contractor access only to one specific directory and not the others). PLEASE implement this feature as it would be very useful! Thanks guys.
Jochen Weiland commented
We have created a solution where customers can create FTP accounts and then be able to use SFTP on port 2022 (rather than port 22). We currently use this on CloudLinux 7
I will check with our developers whether we can release this as a Plesk extension. -
Frank commented
In my case not only me as admin want SFTP for all users/connections, also clients want this. This security is important. Please, Plesk, do something.
j.demmerle commented
A really important feature.
We need this! -
Truth Watch commented
It took you almost five years to say you'd "look into it" after David first asked for the ability to create SFTP users, and now almost four years later still no joy... How many votes do you need to add this vital feature?
Ulrich commented
I voted for it in June 2018 when there were 76 supporters - the number has quadrupled in the last (almost) four years. When will this important feature finally be implemented? More and more service providers are rightly insisting on SFTP for secure data exchange.