Adjust column widths in the Domain Files table to handle "rwx rwx rwx"
Currently, the Files table has 5 columns.
The Name column has flexible width and takes up most of the table width.
The Permissions column is fixed to contain the seetings "rwx r-x r-x ". However, if permissions are changed to "rwx rwx rwx" the column is too narrow and forces the cell to wrap, increasing row height and reducing visible rows.
There is plenty of width in the table to handle this without wrapping. Could you re-set the column widths to cope with this please?

Thanks for informing us. The problem will be fixed in the next Plesk version.
Internal reference id #6476
This functionality is now available in Plesk 12.5. Please visit the following forum threads to learn how to install Plesk 12.5:
We would appreciate hearing your feedback on implementation of this functionality. Thanks!