Empty an emailbox
The ability to empty a users emailbox without deleting the account and recreating would be great.

We are glad to inform you that with Plesk Obsidian 18.0.65 we added the ability to quickly empty mailboxes of all mail to the “Mail Accounts” page. The Empty Mailbox button enables users to remove all mail, both incoming and outgoing, from one or more mailboxes with a click.
-- SH
Cornel commented
Please merge this one with the one in the Email category,"Empty an emailbox" as it is exactly the same thing. Especially usefull with window8 imap clients which do not delete email.
Thanks for the scenario explained!
Asa Fisk commented
Not all mail users set their mail client to delete on collection, in these cases an administrator may need to delete old emails.
Having a central place to do this for multiple users would be a big time saver compared to logging in to webmail for each user and deleting historic mail page by page.Thanks for your consideration.
Asa Fisk commented
When mailboxes on a domain get full, it would be very useful to be able to purge them. This is especially relevant when all mail in the mailbox has been downloaded to an email client since the only way to delete the mail from the server is to delete the mailbox and recreate it.