jpegoptim, optipng, gifsicle or similar
id like to see these tools implemented into plesk. To run server wide or domain wide, and via cron if required.
Alot of large organisations are using these tools. (facebook etc etc)
I like to see image optimization part of plesk admin panel. It will help servers run faster and optimize web delivery.
This is a valid request, so we’ll look into it. There is no ETA at the moment, but we would really appreciate you voting for this request so that we can accurately assess its popularity relative to other features. Thanks in advance!
— rk
We also need this implementation
H50K commented
it might also be nice to have google GUETZLI with it... (Just make a note that this is CPU intense!)
AND GD with WebP support!
Stephan Deglow commented
comparission of jpeg optimization tools
H.K commented
PS there would be an option to include only or exclude folders from the scan.
H.K commented
The user would log into hosting and have a section titled.
Image optimisations.
Clicking this will bring a front end to the tools
jpegoptim, optipng, gifsicle.
With option to compress image quality, from 0-100% and other options like stripping exim information.
Once all options are selected, a taskbar will report progress and when ended a final report will show optimizations and space saved.
H.K commented
Ps there are many script examples out there for controlling these tools
For example, If these were added to Plesk it would really help with optimizing images for SEO as well as reducing website disk usage and bandwidth.
H.K commented
The server admin or domain user should be able to run a JPG, GIF or PNG optimizer via the control panel. To optimize images.
After it is run it should give a report. The user should be able to control image quality and other features from a single control panel which would be a front end for jpegoptim, optipng, gifsicle or a similar set of tools.