Free SSL Project Let's Encrypt
There are very good project for web.
Project name Let's Encrypt and it's free, automated, and open.
I want support from Plesk for this project.
Please support this project this is important.
Are there any plan at Plesk developers?
Thank you very much.
Yeah, we did it!
— SU
You can also support request for Lets Encrypt for Windows:
Daniel commented
Anonymous commented
Have a look at
Anonymous commented
UFHH01 commented
@ Alban Staehli:
the Plesk Github is a place, where examples and developments are stored, so that contributors have a place where they are able to work together on a project. This plugin is in develeopment state and can't be used on a production server to be installed as an extension. As you can see at the github - release - page "", there is no current release.
Alban Staehli commented
How to use the actual plesk plugin available here?
I'm looking for an install/use howto/tutorial for plesk 12.5 on CentOS.
If anyone has it, thanks to share it.And I'm looking forward to its implementation in Plesk WUI.
Fabian Niesen commented
Any idea when the first release would be available for this plugin?
Anonymous commented
There is official support for it - yeah! Thanks to Odin/Plesk Team! -
Max Bachhuber commented
I'm member of the closed beta. Today i tested the generation for a domain.
The certificate script asked for the domain name. Then i had to provide a blob of json at a specific folder of this domain.
Then i continued the script and it saved 4 files to a folder with the private key, the certificate and the complete ca-chain.
I pasted this keys in the plesk ui and it worked.
The certificate is valid for 90 days and has to be renewed then.
wikrie commented
if Let's Encrpyt become final, did anyone plan to install/use it even without Support from Odin?
Yesterday thex get offical be trusted, so from now one it is just a small step to the next level. -
Some free ssl vendor will be supported for sure. We expect to start communicating with community in this regards within next few months
Patrick commented
What's the current state, @Plesk Staff? Will Plesk support ACME/letsencrypt?
Michael Lux commented
Let's Encrypt will be a CA that offers free certificates for common server systems.
It automatically takes care of domain validation and renewing of certificates.
Revocation of compromised certificates is possible via a simple command.
Relevant information may be found at: I think Berkay and me want to see in Plesk is sort of an "one-click-solution" to attach a given Domain to the "watchlist" of the Let's Encrypt system.
Nate Carlson commented
Completely agreed that this should be implemented; ideally as follows:
* Add support for ACME/letsencrypt at the core level. Once the admin has enabled it, automatically request certs for all system-level hostnames (including the management URL, mail URLs, etc.)
* Also add support for each individual account to specify their own letsencrypt account, and enable SSL for all of that account's hostnames with additional certs
* Ideally, encourage everyone to enable this as part of the installation process, and get rid of self-signed certificates in Plesk forever!Basically, this gives us browser/client-trusted encryption completely for free.. the only place people would need to purchase a cert with this would be for sites that do e-commerce, collect personal info, etc (sites where the end user doesn't just need encryption, but needs to validate that the site is owned by the proper company - typical extended validation scenario.)
It'd also be great if Odin would sign up as a sponsor for letsencrypt - it'd be good PR (get Odin's name splashed around on the site), and also hopefully help guarantee excellent integration. I realize that doing this is a potential minor revenue loss for Odin (since users will be even less likely to consider purchasing certs through their reseller stream), but I think that an early and well-done integration could actually sell more licenses for Plesk, which should more than make up for that.
Anonymous commented
Parallels/Odin should support trust in the internet, no blind american actionism.
Berkay Yıldız commented
You can get info from here.
Thank you very much. -
Stéphan S commented
And it doesn't stop there.
SEO ranking for website will increase because of SSL enabled websites.
BTW There is a feature request for cPanel running on this. it seems cPanel is not interested in this at all..
Where CP Vendors contacted by big SSL vendors to block this, because they fear a huge loss in revenue? -
Stéphan S commented
Not just for websites, think about securing mail.<domain>.<tld>
Bye bye sniffing of SMTP sessions to get Passwords and send spam!This can also be used to secure FTP with an easy and valid certificate for ftp.<domain>.<tld>
AmaZili Communication commented
Definitly needed !
Please contact the dev team via github....
wikrie commented
it is an easy way to create and UPDATE your server cert =>
Alan Shea commented
Everyone who has voted for this should move their votes to the letsencrypt suggestion linked below, as letsencrypt is the implementation of this draft.