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151 results found

  1. Have some setting to limit days and timeframe of any updates

    To have some settings to limit any kind of updates to be installed in the server like:
    Day of the week, hour timeframe.
    There's such settings in panel.ini but only for Plesk updates. I'm missing the same for System Updates and Hotfixes.

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    Currently, only major updates can be scheduled as described in and the forum thread System package updates and minor updates are not affected.

    This feature asks to also provide a setting where sytsem package updates and minor Plesk updates can be scheduled. This is a valid request. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.

    -- PD

  2. Implement an Auto-Update function for Skins

    Since the release of Obsidian, every new microupdate changed significant CSS classes in the Skins, which required our custom skin to be edited each time. However there is no way to deploy the new versions automatically.

    My suggestion: Implement a way for Skins to be auto-updated.
    The meta.xml-File in the skin could contain a new field like "official_url", which is then regularily checked for a newer version, than the one currently installed.

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  3. Adding SmarterMail via command line

    Add a possibility setting up SmarterMail via command-line interface to allow server administrators to perform mailserver setup faster and automate.

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  4. Add "refresh" button to File Manager

    a button like remove,move,copy to reload folder content ;-)

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  5. Windows - Cron Job Wizard

    Plesk now include cron job format , but with inputbox.

    Please something like WYSIWYG


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  6. Autosave a shadow copy (local storage perhaps) of an ongoing edited file to prevent data loss in case of session timeout

    My suggestion lies on the fact that I indeed lost my work on a php file that was open in the code editor, when I absent-mindedly pushed the "Apply" button on the text editor and realized with horror that my admin session timed out and I was returned to the unmodified version of the file once logged back in.

    It would be convenient to autosave in the background ongoing changes of a text file that is bound to change once opened in the editor, in order to prevent data loss.

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  7. suggest you to add possibility to use multiple email addresses in watchdog email notifications settings ("send email to" field )

    suggest you add the possibility to use multiple email addresses in watchdog email notifications settings ("send email to" field )

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  8. ability to change IP for particular domain

    Currently, in Plesk it possible to change IP only on subscription level. As a result, the IP is changed for all domains under subscription. The ability to change IP on domain level would be very useful

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  9. add a pagination on file manager

    if there are thousands of files in a folder it takes too long to load the list..

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  10. Allow installing Windows updates from Plesk.

    This will meet your motto "Plesk. Being the only OS agnostic platform" :)

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  11. Customize columns in site list

    Would be great to allow selecting what columns to display in the Domains or Site list.

    Column suggestions:

    • Site name (user customizable)
    • Domain name
    • Type
    • Status
    • PHP version
    • Server (apache/nginx)
    • Location (if multiple site locations are allowed)
    • Traffic
    • Size (including files + database, why is it always calculating incorrectly for subdomains?)
    • URL
    • wp-admin url if wordpress
    • Wordpress toolkit link - directly to this site
    • Date created
    • SSL status
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  12. Add enabling "Keep websites secured" with all options via CLI

    Suggest adding the CLI commands for enabling "Keep websites secured" and all four options:
    "Include the "www" subdomain"
    "Secure domain aliases"
    "Secure webmail"
    "Secure mail"
    in SSL/TLS certificates.
    It would enhance the advanced administration of SSL certificates, especially beneficial on servers with large amount of domains.

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  13. Limit Service Plans management to Additional Administrators (Restricted Mode) and Resellers

    We are trying to create an Additional Administrator with Restricted Mode or Resellers but it's not possible to restrict those users to manage the Service Plans.

    It would be great to add the possibility to hide the Service Plans option in the menu by restricting their permissions.

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  14. Add curresponding CLASS / ID to each page in plesk

    In order to support custom css themes, there should be a top class / id that represents the page we're viewing right now.
    There is no way to say via CSS that we view smb/web/view or any other page. So Custom CSS rules are applied broadly to all pages, which limits the option to hide elements, add "::before, ::after" content, redesign specific pages and not all pages with certain CSS rules.

    How should it be implemented:
    You can implement page classes / ids in the html tag or body tag or right after body tag.
    For example:
    1. In "smb/web/view",…

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  15. more granular user role permissions to manage sites

    Add more granular user role permissions to manage sites. For example, allow website backup and web deploy settings access without allowing right to create/manage sites

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  16. Use colored icons for the new Domains view

    Since Plesk Obsidian 18.0.38, the Domains menu has been updated and the icons have been replaced with black-and-white design.

    Please bring back the colored icons or add an option to switch between the old and new style.

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  17. List active SFTP sessions in Plesk UI

    Currently Plesk administrator is able to see active FTP sessions in Plesk interface. It would be nice monitoring feature to add if the same could be done with active SFTP sessions.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  18. Possibility to manage time syncronization in Plesk on Debian 10 / Ubuntu 20 / CentOS 8

    Plesk supports Debian 10, Ubuntu 20 and CentOS 8, but currently it's not possible to manage network time settings in Tools & Setting > System Date and Time > Network Time on these operating systems.

    Despite of having native systemd-timesyncd.service (that manages time syncing out of the box), it would be easier to manage NTP time settings using Plesk interface.

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    open discussion  ·  IgorG responded

    Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.


  19. List APS applications installed in a domain

    Add in Plesk API possibility to retrieve/get all APS applications installed in a specific domain.

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  20. separate logo change for login page and top-left corner

    Currently in Tools & Settings > Branding it is possible to change logo for both: login page and top-left corner.
    It would be nice to make the feature more flexible: separate logo change for login page and for top-left corner

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