I think it would be amazing if you supported Laravel as it is one of the fastest growing php frameworks today.
With it you will attract a lot ore customers.

In Plesk 18.0.44 we are glad to introduce the production version of the Laravel Toolkit extension.
Anonymous commented
Calvin Qiu commented
Really need an easier way to use artisan commands -
Les Yan commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please add laravel support
Moazam commented
Not just laravel but many apps require laravel like folder structure.
Sister Sadie commented
+1 vote
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
absolutely +1
Anonymous commented
Vincent Tam commented
Lucio Florencio commented
One vote from me too
Anoniem commented
Sandi Nugraha commented
I need Laravel on my Plesk CP
Pantelis commented
One vote from me too
Anonymous commented
Yes this would be very interesting.
David McLaughlin commented
I run multiple Laravel apps on Obsidian, why is this even a request...
Fennec Ran commented
its disappointing, i found plesk my server does not support laravel
Anthony commented
Laravel is the most popular PHP framework on Github and also the most preferred framework of PHP developers. Support for this feature is desperately needed..
Enrique Mora commented
Yes this would be very interesting.