Google Cloud DNS Extension
Same sort of thing as the Route53 extension just with Google Cloud DNS
Thank you for your input. We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Jorge commented
When can we expect an update related to the Google Cloud DNS extension? The idea is open since 2018. Looking forward!
Denis Gomes Franco commented
Sounds nice but for everyone looking for this extension, please be advised that I have used Route53 in the past. Works nice but Amazon charges you when a domain is *created*, which means that if you ever have to delete your domains and then sync again, they will *charge you again* (I was under the assumption that it would charge per domain per month when the due date came, so if I deleted and re-added a domain it would not charge me again).
Not sure if that would be the same login at Google's.
Ramsey commented
White label for reseller/customers
Ivan Myrseth commented
It would be great if Plesk could add this features. Its a must to make it easier for users to deploy GCloud using Plesk. Looking forwad.
Many thanks.
Fernando Ibañez commented
I support this, this is very important. Google Cloud DNS Plesk Extension is necessary.