Feature Suggestions
Please provide here your suggestion for new functionality for Plesk. We encourage you to review and vote for suggestions of others. The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.
Please write in English so that voters from all over the world can read and support your request.
Off-topic posts will be removed from here
2590 results found
Integrated Support System
How about a support system built into the panel, instead of downloading and installing OS ticket. The helpdesk could be used with separate departments and you could assign sub administrators as staff. In the user area of the panel, it could also show a list of tickets and their status on the welcome page.
2 votesThis request does not look very popular over the 5 years. Therefore, I close this request.
IG -
Paging \ SMS Alerts
Paging \ SMS alerts would be a handy feature for admins. If a critical server has failed, it would be useful for an admin to get an instant notification and not rely on checking emails for warning messages when something really goes wrong.
3 votesUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
add uk english
Add UK English as default for eu server
2 votesWe do not plan on introducing major changes to Web Presence Builder at the moment.
1 vote
Unfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
add gogetssl.com to providers of ssl certs
1 voteWe are not integrating SSL providers into Plesk
You can do it your side by customizing
http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/PP11/11.5/Doc/en-US/online/plesk-linux-advanced-administration-guide/index.htm?fileName=66758.htm -
More fiels customizable for PHP.ini under customer access
is possible to permit at the ADMIN to add extra fields for customer for manager him php.ini?
Is better for many CMS as example prestashop that have need maxinputvars with different vaule for website, or for example, many website have an differecent charset so is better to permit to edit default_charset to the customer.
You can see the forum topic http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?290844-New-vars-for-php-ini-into-customer-access&p=699457 with more info
2 votesAs an Admin you can either add arbitrary instructions into the input field OR you can develop extension and add custom fields to handle your specifics (checkout Plesk SDK at
http://download1.parallels.com/Plesk/Doc/en-US/online/plesk-extensions-guide/). -
check for external blacklist entries for the mailserver (like SORBS) with a cron
sometimes servers get on blacklist. A monitoring of this would be great.
3 votesUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
Add Upload progress info in backup upload from local repository
When upload big backup files (up to 1-2 GB) it would be very usefull to know how the progress is.
5 votesUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
ConfigServer support
Add ConfigServer support to Plesk
2 votesUnfortunately, this idea does not seem to be popular here on Plesk uservoice or online in general.
IG -
Possibility to easily resend notifications (e.g. Customer account creation, Site creation) to selected customer's email.
Possibility to easily resend notifications (e.g. Customer account creation, Site creation) to selected customer's email. Sometimes customers have lost their email notifications and request them again.
9 votesThank you for your input!
Unfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
add notes to health monitoring
, so if you are watching the graphic of the last three days lists the notes of the range
0 votesUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
Own SSL Cert for each Email
Please add the Support to use own SSL Certs for everey Email TLD.
SSL Cert 1 for mail.musternann.de
SSL Cert 2 for mail.hello.de19 votesUnfortunately, this does not seem to be technically feasible, as the comment implies.
Single site migration option(not at root level), including database and email
Single site migration option(not at root level), including database and email
2 votesUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
Suspend to preview only
Allow the preview URL to remain available when a site gets suspended.
This way, when a site gets suspended because of a reported infection;
the customer can still access the site via FTP and view his changes via the preview URL.4 votesLooks like it’s not possible. Because if your site was compromised then it should be fully blocked in other case it continues to send spam.
3 votes
Sorry, we are not discussing price changes here
Login to panel using standard SSL port with additional IP address only used for Panel login.
Plesk default configuration needs to use TCP 8443. This port is blocked by many corporate firewalls and generally looks tacky that the user needs to specify this in a URL.
There are numerous posts on how to achieve this using a dedicated IP address for the Plesk Panel, while all other functions including mail, web, dns use the real Plesk IP address.
Parallels should allow this configuration and support it where a secondary IP address can be assigned to Plesk Panel instead of using the non standard SSL port of 8443.4 votesA panel cannot physically work on standard port since it resides on different web server and the standard port is already taken by a standard web server.
Ad Web-Browser for accessing local config-pages of 3rd-party services
An integrated Web-Browser for accessing configuration-pages of 3rd-party services on localhost would be fine.
For example:
We are using "Fuseki" wich is a RDF-Query server. This Service comes with a Web-accessible configuration-interface and does not support authentication. So i limited access to "localhost" because i dont want to make this thing public. But i want to make the config-page available to admins. It would be great it they just can open a browser from inside plesk-panel and enter the localhost-URL of the service-page. (Maybe with bookmarks). The browser itself my be limited to localhost-access for security reasons.1 voteUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
IG -
Prove moodle upgrades before offer it. Moodle 2.5.1. does not let upload files. I had to reinstall manually my old moodle and lost many time
Prove moodle upgrades before offer it. Moodle 2.5.1. does not let upload files. I had to reinstall manually my old moodle and lost many time. Don not offer the upgrade for any app that is not proper working, please.
1 voteThanks for your suggestion.
We are verifying updates of top applications (like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and few others), but we are not committed to verifying updates of all applications.
Realistically we are not planning to fully verify each update of each application in APS catalog. So general precaution for updates is recommended – same if you were going to update it from their original download.
Please let us adjust the time of Plesk autoupdater!
Please let us adjust the time of Plesk autoupdater!
1 voteCron service itself decides what is safe time to run daily tasks, Plesk doesn’t control it
If on Linux, check out /etc/crontab for setting comfortable time:
HOME=/_ # run-parts
37 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
_ # !!! edit the line below !!!
17 0 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
4 0 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
15 5 10 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthlyIt will change all your daily tasks, not just Plesk updates
Update Mobile Server Manager to not store the admin password.
The Mobile Server Manager is quite handy. However, I do not feel secure knowing that if one of my mobile devices fell into the wrong hands, my Plesk servers could be compromised.
3 votesUnfortunately, we have to close your request, because over the years it has not become quite popular for further implementation.
- Don't see your idea?