Compress backups while doing
Actually backups are compressed at the end. My uncompressed backup is 1TB, compressed is just 200 GB, but I still need 1 TB of free space for backup to be performed.
In Plesk 12.5 backup data compression is performed during backup, not after or at the end.
Unfortunately, we cannot confirm this issue, so we are closing this request, since it does not contain any new feature suggestions. If you have additional information about this issue or want to get advice from the community, please go to our forum at Thank you.
As I can see now your issue is about not accurate calculation of needed disk space amount. Our engineers will continue the conversation in ticket #2043179
Thanks for your patience.
-DL -
Marco Marsala commented
I can confirm it is not working. See ticket #2043179.
With incremental backup and option "Start the backup only if your server has the sufficient amount of free disk space (this option may significantly increase the backup time) " my server will not start the full backup because it pretends to have 1 TB of free space (my content is 1 TB), while the resulting compressed backup is less than 300 GB (uncompressed is 1 TB in effect).