Add Mailman 3
plz add mailman 3 as mailinglist software.
We are happy to announce that mailman3 support is now available in Plesk Obsidian 18.0.59+ on Debian 11 and Debian 12.
Unfortunately, mailman3 packages can't be installed on Ubuntu22 and Ubuntu24 because of bugs (, It blocks us from implementing supporting mailman3 on these OSes right now. When the bugs are fixed, we will return to implementing mailman3 support on these operating systems.
Also, to our regret, it is impossible to provide Mailman support on modern RHEL-based OSes because RedHat does not have plans to support Mailman in new OS releases ( If you prefer RHEL-based OSes, as a workaround, you can use Plesk on AlmaLinux 8.x, where the mailman2 package is present; the vendor's termination date for AlmaLinux 8.x is 2029.
All other known limitations for Mailman support you can find in Plesk Documentation by the link If you have any feedback on the implementation of this feature, please let us know on the forum:
Thank you!
— AY
Alex Presland commented
Ubuntu 24.04 launches tomorrow, and this has Mailman3 packages in the OS. If previous timelines remain good, we should have Ubuntu 24.04 support in a month or two... leading to being able to get Plesk Mailing Lists working again! :-)
PleskUser commented
For those interested in Mailman support in Plesk, note that there might be some hope: -
Anonymous commented
Please add Mailman3 support as customers still have mailman 2 lists in use.
Michael Pöllath commented
mailman 3 with ubuntu 22.04 would be great with plesk.
Alex Presland commented
AWS no longer offers a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image for Plesk, meaning that if you build a new Ubuntu-based Plesk server from the AMI you have to have 22.04 and therefore can't have Mailman. Please urgently schedule this (or another mailing list) for implementation.
Anonymous commented
please add mailman 3 as mailing list software manageable from the Plesk panel as a 3rd party extension.
Jack Daous commented
plz add mailman 3 as mailinglist software
PleskUser commented
If Mailman 3 will not be integrated in Plesk, can you please provide instructions how we can use the version provided by the OS? Just upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04, and the lack of mailman support is critical.
To be clear, migration is not necessary for my case, but the availability of the mailman 3 support is.
William Finck commented
This is imperative! I just leased a new server for a mail server and now that I finally found this thread after two days of searching, I am screwed until this is implemented.
I lease a dozen Plesk licenses for nealry $1500/year and now I cannot change my mail server from the old Ubuntu 16 version, which is absolutely pitiful! I am not happy with this.
Frank commented
Seems that Plesk has dropped support for mailman at all. In regard of the recent pricing rise its a nogo. Its now even a problem to install via apt.
Ricky Nkansah commented
No mailist in Plesk, Which is very Bad for email services
Uwe Sinha commented
Any news about mailman 3? Now that Debian has dropped mailman 2 from bullseye it's REALLY time for Plesk to support mailman 3 as well!
Anonymous commented
Tobias Armbruster commented
Hey together, Is there anything new about mailman3? we need it urgently!
Jörg commented
Urgently YES.
And please fix the SSL-certificate-problem. -
Markus commented
This feature request will never become outdated as long as we are using Plesk with Mailman, it will rather become more and more urgent. It would be interesting to understand your strategy with this request: postpone (until when), reject or propose another solution ? Thanks for taking your customers more serious.
Michael Struller commented
on Ubuntu 18.04 the Mailman 2.* will install from plesk.
In Ubuntu we have an Paket mailman v 2.1.26
and an Paket Mailman3.
On command line install-component mailman3 will work? -
Sergio Manzi commented
... let me add that personally I would also gladly give up any migration mechanism from Mailman 2 to Mailman 3, if this is an impeding factor: just "package" Mailman 3 as a newly supported Plesk component, please.
Sergio Manzi commented
Commenting "Admin" response of October 31, 2019:
I think probably all signatories of this request have a clear view about how Mailman is supported by Plesk (leveraging the version provided by the OS vendor), but I also think this is the very reason why this request have been brought forward in the first place, more than 3 years ago.
Of course I can speak only for myself, but I also think I'm not much off thinking that what we all would like to see is an OS independent implementation of Mailman 3, directly provided and supported by Plesk, together with all required components (Python, Django, Hiperkitty, Postorius).
I look forward for support of this clarification by all interested parties...
Chris commented
mailman 2.1 definately needs to be replaced or dumped. It's no longer a 'feature' to promomote in a hosting service its that dated and hard to use.