Let's encrypt: add domain aliases
The let's encrypt extension is great, except... it doesn't work for me: It doesn't add domain aliases. I have domains like "typing-error.de", "typing-eror.de", "typing-errror.de", "typing-error.com" etc. (you get the idea). As-is, only the primary domain is added to the certificate.

Let’s Encrypt 2.0.0 extension with this feature is now available!
We would love to hear your feedback on our forum at http://talk.plesk.com. We’d like to thank everyone who commented on this request and provided invaluable feedback. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
[Deleted User] commented
Plesk, please add this functionallity!
Maarten Ligthart commented
Please add this in Plesk!
Jordan Schelew commented
This just became even more important as Plesk Onyx's HSTS / Force SSL option also forces it enabled for aliases... yet the SSL cert never matches.
Anonymous commented
Dietmar Klöskes commented
Míchel Acosta commented
I need it too!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I need this feature too ! +1
Anonymous commented
So many clients are annoyed because of this, pls make it happen
Anonymous commented
Jan Bludau commented
+ 1
i call it bug... -
Daniel commented
Anonymous commented
6 months and nothing happend -.- ...
Boris commented
Please! Please! Please!
Thanx guys!
Anonymous commented
Let's get this done soon before anything else... We are in 2017...
Very sad to see there is no change on this important feature request !
Almost all new domains we create today are with domain aliases... (our customers ask this...) so this feature should not even be an option anymore.
Hoping Plesk will implement it before others... because it could very well make us decide to change our future integrations with Plesk. Unfortunate but true.
So still very much hoping for soon...
Thanks for your continued support.
Bram commented
I don't think it will matter much as plesk isn't monitoring this anymore. They've made a handful of comments in 2016 (an entire YEAR).
Although I still like the product their connection and communication with their userbase is abysmal. This is the perfect time for competition to stand up and take the lead...
[Deleted User] commented
I hope that all of you "+1" commenters are also voting for this feature suggestion by clicking "Vote". ;)
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented