Server-wide e-mail settings - Blacklist
- Function extension: bad domains with wildcard app, such as "* .bad-domain.tld or "?.*.bad-domain.tld", similar to spam blacklist?
- Possibility of uploading txt file, similar to spam blacklist?
The problem: We have currently registered over 900 bad domains. 30% is held by domain variants.

There is server wide white and black list settings in Tools & Settings → Mail Server Settings → Server-Wide Mail Settings → Black / White list. It allows wildcards in domain names.
Scarabaeus commented
This is a misunderstanding. I meant the bad domain list - There is also a blacklist and a whitelist
Scarabaeus commented
Das ist ein Missverständnis. Ich meinte die bad domain Liste - Hier gibt es ebenfalls eine Blacklist und eine Whitelist