make DANE for email avaible

In Plesk 18.0.54, published July 18th, 2023, Plesk has added the ability to add Transport Layer Security Authentication (TLSA) DNS records to domains’ DNS zones in Plesk. Such records are most commonly used to implement DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE). With this update the most popular DANE scenario is covered in Plesk for Linux.
Now, with Plesk 18.0.56, published October 10th, 2023, the SSL It! extension supports DANE that ensures reliable encryption for email transport. When a Let’s Encrypt certificate is being issued, TLSA DNS records of email services will now automatically contain information about the certificate.
Please let us know your thoughts on this feature or whether you require additional functions.
-- PD
Arjan Groenemeijer commented
Yes, yes and yes!
Why this voting thread? If popularity is so important, why does Plesk not want to be the leading control-panel and be the first to implement support security features which are increasingly being used already?
Tozz commented
It would also be wonderful if Plesk can create TLSA automatically based on the certificates installed for a domain. That would be truly wonderfull :)
linulex commented
"All Dutch government bodies are now required to implement the e-mail security protocols STARTTLS and DANE when setting up e-mail systems."
Can you please stop "thinking about adding more security" and start making sure your clients don't use clients?
Christian commented
Very important function. Please install! Thank you
linulex commented
a must have security features in the war on spam
DerDanilo commented
Would be nice to have that!
Physicus commented
+1! Very important!
EngService commented
Wäre sehr hilfreich!
Daka Media KG commented
Will DANE come with DNSSEC?
Adolf Jewanski commented
DANE could be a nice security feature (exaple smtp). To using DANE TLSA Record must be set on DNS.