Make the limits for CPU, Memory and Disk (cgroups) customizable per reseller in order lock resources available for reseller's plans
At the moment you cannot lock system resources available to the reseller. It could be useful to limit the cgroups resources available to the resellers when creating the reseller plan, in order to not allow the creation of unlimited service plans to be assigned to the reseller customers. It could be useful to limit any resource uverusing.

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
— rk
info commented
++ Introduce cgroup to resellers' plans!!!!
FutureX commented
Not sure how this 'slipped' by?
As it is now a Reseller can just create an Unlimited plan and max out your server.
How is that beneficial?
zhang chaoquan (laozhang) commented
++ Introduce cgroup to resellers' plans
Mehmet Bektaş commented
Don't make people depend on paid apps, you're the only one who gets the money.
please enable this feature
Websavers Inc commented
Created a good workaround for this. It supports only CPU at the moment, but certainly welcome pull requests for memory and disk IO.
Websavers Inc commented
Definitely need the ability to limit CPU and Memory for resellers...
Saad commented
cpgroup for resellers is very necessary.
matthew commented
Not really much point to cgroups if it can't be applied to resellers.
Dimitris Valiwtis commented
++ Introduce cgroup to resellers' plans
Furkan Danış commented
Saad Samsudin commented
hide resource settings in customer reseller account. root account can set specifiec amount of cpu usage and ram used for every reseller customer create a service plan
Victor Rodriguez commented
Please do cgroup to limit resellers services plans
Lam Lai commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
At the moment you cannot lock the system resources available to the reseller. It could be useful to limit the resources available to the resellers when creating the reseller plan, in order to not allow the creation of unlimited service plans to be assigned to the reseller customers. It could be used to avoid resource overusing.
Anonymous commented
Reseller account should able to view the statistics regarding the consumption of RAM, CPU and server disk
Anonymous commented
Dmitriy Baybulatov commented
We need this feature as well. Unfortunately, we just recently realized that it's impossible to limit resellers by cpu and ram. Now we even consider to close reseller plans for our customers until this feature is available.
Leonard Niehaus commented
I totally agree with you! Resellers shouldn't be able to assign his customers more than his limit.