Support new versions of Apache!!!!!!
Plesk currently only works with Apache 2.4.6... that was released in 2013! There have been countless bug fixes and updates since then; we are more than TWENTY versions behind. This is something that Plesk should be able to handle. Many server errors could be eradicated very quickly.

Plesk supports Apache from Linux vendor. We do not provide own Apache build. For example, CentOS 6 has Apache 2.2 by default. CentOS 7 has Apache 2.4 by default. Plesk supports both versions of Apache but it depends on OS distribution.
Travis Roesler commented
Hey Sergey,
So if I was running Ubuntu 14, plesk would be compatibile with Apache 2.4.18?
Hi Travis,
we can suggest to go at and report there your specific problems with Apache in order to get help, i.e.
- elaborate "completely crashed" statement towards specific problems, error messages and logs
- elaborate "not compatible" towards specific problems, error messages and logs
Then someone might be able to troubleshoot what went wrong with your updated ApachePlesk works with Apache provided within supported OS distribution. If updated Apache broke any conventions (which is easy - depending on compiling/configuration options), it will likely malfunction so some skill / knowledge is expected.
Preferred path is to get updated Apache from OS vendor again or at least re-build it using Source RPMS (SRPM) of OS vendor. Also you can consider switching to more up2date OS, i.e. Ubuntu 14 provides Apache 2.4.18 as the latest
Travis Roesler commented
in fact, I tried updating apache, and it completely crashed the server due to incompatibility.
Travis Roesler commented
Hi Alex,
I have server errors that are caused by old apache... new bugfixes have eliminated this error but Plesk is NOT COMPATIBLE with new versions of apache.
Alexander Yamshanov commented
Hi Travis,
Plesk does not provide Apache. CentOS based on RH. RHEL 7: based on upstream v2.4.6 (c) Fixes are backported to v.2.4.6
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