lock access to Plesk Admin on only one URL
There must be a possibily to lock up access to Plesk admin to only one or selected URL for security or other reason possible, For example i have 100 domains and i only want a few domain to access to Plesk Admin (https://domain.com:8443). This is not possible yet
Although there is no native functionality to lock access to a single URL, there are workarounds for achieving this goal:
1. The first workaround is to Customize Plesk URL by selecting the "The specified domain or subdomain that resolves to the server IP address but is not used for hosting" option. Along with a firewall configuration to restrict access on port 8443:
Go to Tools & Settings > Firewall > Modify Plesk Firewall Rules > Plesk administrative interface
Set Action to Deny and press OK
Press Apply Changes > Activate
2. The second workaround is to redirect all domain names to the server hostname on port 8443.
3. If your domain names are behind Cloudflare, the third option is to block all ports except 80 and 443 on the Cloudflare side.
-- SH
Ka Ka commented
Very very urgent function. Everyone trying to login to administrator.
Paul commented
All domains on our hosting can be scanned and their control panel accessed via port :8443. This needs to be locked down to just 1 domain which can be changed via the customised URL option.
Matt commented
We have an unhappy client finding their domain at port 8443 is open and has an invalid certificate. Unfortunately it's not feasible to explain to non-technical clients how DNS, TLS, browsers and web servers all work together to lead to this result, they just see a big red warning and want it gone.
Charles Almeida commented
This is important for panel security, avoiding a door being exposed on site. Panel needs to resolve only certain subdomain.
EhudZ commented
A bigger threat could possibly be, if Plesk update is hacked, and Plesk firewall is changed. I recommend using also the AWS firewall to block access to certain ports as 22, 8443,8447, to all IPs but certain fixed ones.
EhudZ commented
You may have port 8443 opened only to certain fixed IPs, done on the AWS hosting level which is not accessible via Plesk or server SSH access.
Barend commented
Major client - fortune 500 company - threatens to leave if we don't get this fixed. Open port 8443 makes their website not compliant security wise.
Arnaud Ds commented
I don't want any domain with port 8443 accessible online, also those are not secure and are TLS 1 and 1.1
Hans | Pixel Creation commented
Some of our customers have raised their concerns over this. From the customer's perspective it might not be very harmful to have port 8443 accessible from their domain, but it is confusing when they can get an invalid certificate error on their domain. It's very tough to explain to them why it doesn't matter much.
This makes it important to us to be fixed. For now, we totally removed the ability to access from port 8443, which is NOT what we want, but for now the only way to work around these customer's concerns.
Jochen Weiland commented
This is an important feature. Normally you get a SSL certiicate error when using one of the customers domains with port 8443, since the certiicate is only for the "standard" Plesk domain.
Lu commented
Very very important.
I've got more than 100 domains on a single VPS and I don't want Plesk to be "visible" from any random domain.
Othmane commented
Very important.
H S commented
Verry very very very important, Getting attacks every day...
Ben Beckford commented
To get around this for now I followed this tutorial - https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001421414-How-to-redirect-from-the-domain-to-the-server-hostname-on-port-8443-
But I changed z-plesk.inc to include the following instead:
if ($host !~ 'your-hostname.com|'){
return 404;
}Now domain.com:8443 just 404s (after a security warning but this is preferable).
Darory IT commented
yes, totally agree, there must be an option to restrict access to plesk through 8443 on selected domains. Request Plesk team to look into this please, Thanks
Krammig commented
This is a no-brainer.
There MUST be a way to close or open a port ( any port ) on a specific Domain without affecting the others.
This should be a High Priority.
Plesk Tech Support commented
The main thing here is not to restrict port 8443 at all.
The goal here that for example Plesk can be accessed only from https://example.com:8443 (where the example.com is the Plesk hostname) but via https://testdomain.tld:8443 the access to Plesk will not be possible or it should be redirected to https://example.com:8443The solution from here is not suitable: https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/deployment-guide/plesk-installation-and-upgrade-on-single-server/customizing-plesk-url.76455
For clarification please see the article below, especially "For the redirect from a domain name to hostname" section where workaround to this request can be found
Anonymous commented
Good idea, port 8443 must be restricted to selected domains.
(I'm dont speak english) -
Anonymous commented
yes, totally agree, there must be an option to restrict access to plesk through 8443 on selected domains. Request Plesk team to look into this please, Thanks
Anonymous commented
Good idea, port 8443 must be restricted to selected domains.