Add easy installation of Matomo (new PIWIK)
PIWIK is dead!
Simple Matomo-plug-in installation without additional configuration for the databases or the host

Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Thanks for your opinion Madalin,
it is very interesting information! -
Madalin Ignisca commented
Piwik is like Titanic VS a tiny fishing boat when compared to AWSTATS or Webalizer.
It is resource hungry. I've used it to track analytics data with it with websites that do 1M(illion) to 5M pageviews per month and Piwik was using more resources than all the other websites by using the JavaScript code to get accurate data for my clients.
The server logs parsing wasn't using resources at all in real time and it is nice, but lacks of all features that you would use for example in Google Analytics, which are trackable only with the JavaScript way.
At this moment Piwik can be installed as an app in a master domain of the website and it's very easy to configure it for certain needs.
Anonymous commented
piwik can also do log-analysis, see here: -
Anonymous commented
Also would love to have piwik integrated in plesk 12!
SANIC commented
I hobe Piwik will be the default stat system in the next version. Piwik looks modern and is working like a charm. Also the stats sent via E-Mail to customers are looking great!
Marco B. commented
I would love to see this integrated just for the look&feel of the product. Webalizer and AWstats look like they're from the 90s, you just can't use their reports out of the box.
James Warren commented
The user interface for Piwik is much more modern and friendly compared with awstats. I think it would be a useful addition to use it to analyse server logs as Stefan Brauner says. Or maybe there would be a way to allow users to add the code to the website themselves for full analytics support?
Andriy Kharkovyy commented
Piwik is basically the next best thing to google but I don't want to install and manage it myself so it would be awesome if it was part of plesk. it's a well established stats system
Stefan Brauner commented
I first wanted to agree with Peer, but then I saw
The tool can also analyse the Server Logs. And only this would make sense, otherwise you had to modify the customers pages and add the javascript snippet just like Google Analytics. But then the performance should be okay; I tested the default piwik a year ago with a small site and sometimes I wasn't able to open the statistics, because it took too much time to create them.
Peer commented
I would very much think this should NOT be a Plesk feature as it requires code added to the website, just like Google Analytics. It's not based on server logs, as awstats is.
You can run Piwik on Plesk and add it to any website you want. -
BruceLee commented
sorry a little bit confusing:
"-email stats" means
- it sends reports of stats via email.
its NOT about email statistics
:) -
BruceLee commented
two things i forgot:
-page transitions
-email stats
a complete list of features: -
BruceLee commented
well, i like the facts that:
-it supports mobile tracking
-it is customizable regarding dashboard etc.
-it is storing in MySql DB
-it has a better overview and presentation of data
-it can take care of website analytics that are not hosted on the server easily
-it supports/has plugins for many apps like Joomla, Wordpress etc...
-it has a mobile view to log in from mobile devices -
Could you tell a little more about this solution? What makes it preferred option for you? What are advantages over AWstats and Webalizer?
BruceLee commented
additionaly to awstat