Implement feature to use WordPress' wp-cli in chroot shell
It should be possible to use the WordPress commandline tool "wp-cli" via chrooted-shell.
Thank you for your input! We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it will be popular.
Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
Benjamin Karlog Havmand commented
Could be great if this could be implemented soon.
ALL IN APPLI commented
We need this feature for partner developpers working for us. We can't give them a root access and they need the wp-cli to work!
I hope it's gonna quickly be implemented.
Wordpres is 40% of all websites on the planet -
FutureX commented
I fully agree. Virtually all major web hosting companies offer WP-CLI access for 'each' user not just on a root level. I love that Plesk as the WP-CLI built in, that is very forward thinking. Now it just needs to be accessible to users with out giving them root access.
Andi Herzig commented
currently, wp-cli or WPTK-CLI is only available for root user or the sudo privileged ones. it would be great, if other users may use wp-cli as well. it's quite the same suggestion as
Plesk Tech Support commented
Would be nice to have an option to use "# plesk ext wp-toolkit --wp-cli" as a non-root user.
Anonymous commented
This feature must be available.
Anonymous commented
This feature is essential for customers and shared hosting!
Roberto commented
That would be awesome!!