Ability to select a branch during the initial deployment via Git Manager extension
Currently, when adding a git deployment, there is no ability to select the branch, and it should be selected afterwards.
This leads to unnecessary actions and it would be much easier to work with git by having the ability to select the branch during the initial deploy.
On the initial deployment, the branch can be selected in the second step of the deployment action. Please see the example screenshot.
-- PD
Błażej Łyjak commented
We need to automaticaly deploy selected branch when using gitlab's pipeline job "deploy".
Tim commented
This is a critical feature for anyone using Git correctly and especially for varying environments (eg staging).
Having it only select the master branch and requiring a manual edit means it's a fiddly and frustrating workflow, especially since there are bugs with changing the branch (https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360008213414-In-Plesk-Git-Manager-extension-target-directory-is-always-set-to-root-).