Server Health: Show Apache CPU Usage per domain
It is difficult to identify the offending website, and this would help tracking it down

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Added on 18 Jan, 2021
This functionality is also now available in the latest version of the Advanced Monitoring extension. We encourage you to check the implementation and let us know what you think.
Please visit the following forum thread to learn how to access the functionality:
We would appreciate hearing your feedback on the implementation of this functionality. Thanks in advance!
— AY
Mathias H commented
Plesk Staff, nice video =)
Martin Becker commented
Welp I'm using the Apache Status module and i'm using this. I can see that ressource sage is hard to implement, well think about an status report of apache .
Anonymous commented
Really??? Have you really started? Amassing!! And almost 3 years passed form the status STARTED, and more than 5 years form the first suggestion, and the implementation is not yet done. LAME, LAME!
ExecuServices commented
Maybe in another 4 years?
I had my server go down, again, last night at a random time, guess my clients and I just need to wait for it to happen when I am awake.
See random spikes in apache memory usage, no way to figure out the culprit, top is limited to right then, wouldnt it be infinitely easier to just be able to see this information in Plesk?
I def should have just went with cPanel.
Molinnus commented
great for server monitoring
when will we finish it? -
<a href="">Mantenimiento Informático</a> commented
Cool and useful for the server manteinance!
- commented
It could be a nice upgrade. With the command line is possible, but you must to enter in the console and Plesk is a GUI.
xokko commented
And later in the logs? Where can I see which domain caused a slowdown on the server in the last hour?
Bitpalast GmbH commented
A simple Linux command shows the CPU utilization, realtime and sorted:
watch "ps aux | sort -nrk 3,3 | head -n 20" -
Anonymous commented
I second that last comment. We just migrated over from Hsphere to Plesk and are finding that we need to manage and investigate issues like dictionary attacks
We need the tools to help investigate which sites are being hit and when -
Anonymous commented
Will the feature ever materialize? I'm currently hosting several hundred domains, more than half of which are WordPress sites. The around the clock dictionary attacks are starting to be a SERIOUS issue as Plesk wets the bed and runs out of handlers and stops serving traffic without warning (regardless of how many I configure, they are consumed in large attacks), resulting in a LOT of ****** off clients. It would be INFINITELY useful to quickly see which domains are under attack in the control panel instead of digging through hundreds of domains' log files to try and determine what's going on. I'm on the verge of losing some very large hosting clients....
Tar commented
This is not needed at all, just open up top press C and there you go, you exactly see which site is using how much cpu. Simple and fast. Such an unimportant feature with so many votes. This is really sad. There are many much more important thing to do that this.
Mike commented
Do u still believe they are working on it lol
Burj khalifa was build in 4 years.
Grow a pair and switch to cpanel.
sarumbear commented
FOUR years and we are still waiting. There is only one way to describe this:
A D I S G R A C E !!!
Eduard Duluman commented
It's been more than 4 years since this feature has been requested ... and almost two years in since you guys said it is in the works ...
I'm having issues with few servers where Apche CPU is always on red under Server Health .. without being able to figure out what or who is causing it ...
koko commented
very Important
Gustavo Baetti commented
In Services:
Uso CPU de Apache 87.4 % (?)
Not view what is consuming -
Daniele Cusumano commented
Hi there Plesk Staff.. any news for us?
Thanks and Ciao from Italy
Thovhakale Murendeni commented
2 years later
Alexandros Boukouris commented