Limit what aditional administrators can do
It would be useful to have options for what additional administrators can do within the panel. For example, I run hosting as part of my IT company and normally it's me that does all the work in Panel, however it is often useful to have one of my staff to do some admin tasks but I don't necessarily want that person to be able to perform all tasks such as changing critical server settings.

Good news everyone!
This functionality was added in Plesk Obsidian RTM release. We suggest you upgrade to the latest version and check it out.
Vladyslav L commented
Any plans on implementation per-additional admin account restrictions?
DLopes commented
Five years, 4 Plesk releases and no update on this.
@Gary, we consider this improvement as quote meaningful, but age or complexity don't drive prioritity as much as votes do. This request is not getting in top20 yet, so while it is on our radar, we didn't started work on this yet. Once we start - you will see status changed to "planned" and then "started". We are trying to be transparent here.
As of complexity, it is heavily driven by the list of operations required to be limited. Please everyone post which exact operations you would like to limit.
Gary commented
Any movement on this? It doesn't seem like a particularly complex change I requested 18 months ago.
Felipe Santos commented
I had to liberate many admin acces to plesk for my employees, and would be nice if some functions was able to be disabled.
eg. Delete subscriptions.
Jay Owen commented
this feature is very important to us. we have tiered admins in our business.
we have had issues with some admins tweaking options we do not want them to.
part of our issues comes down to enabling a lower level admin to oversee a domain migration without having the ability to shutdown services, or reconfigure the node. -
Niels vd spek commented
Can we extend this request with managing the notifications they get?
Now when you have multiple admins defined and an subscription expires every one get notified daily. That is very annoying. -
paulie commented
Absolutely support this, we would like to limit access to such things as :
IP Address creation/deletion
Services Management
WatchdogOn a per admin user basis.