"Run Cronjob now"
Hello, I miss it again and again that I can test my scheduled tasks only if I change the times at once, the task will be executed and then I set the time back to the desired version. Better when I could the scheduled task to test without changing the desired times, a mouse click / run would be. I also an option, with which I can freeze the mail traffic for this task is missing, add it without a code or command to remove (> / dev / null 2> & 1). Sincerely, Danny

This feature is already implemented in the upcoming Plesk 12.1 release. We encourage you to check the implementation in one of upcoming Plesk previews and let us know what you think.
Danny commented
Shame in MU 7, this is not yet possible. It was so useful. Exactly what I mean Stéphan.
Stéphan S commented
Clever idea.
Roughly translated:
An option in Scheduled Tasks (Cronjobs) to have a "test task now" button.
And also a checkbox per Task "Do not send mail" which auto-adds ' >/dev/null 2>&1' to the end of the Cronjob line.