Add ClamAV as module in Plesk to protect better the server. Thank you Parallels Team.
Is easy to use.

Verena commented
Kaspersky and Plesk Premium Antivirus costs nearly twice as the whole vServer incl. Plesk per month - horrible expensive. Why there is no open source solution as ClamAV for the users by default. The most people could not buy this expensive license for this buildin Antivirus extensions and so they take nothing to secure the mail traffic - and the whole Plesk is not secure anymore! Is this in accordance with your wishes?
Please give us the possibility to use a free Antivirus solution like ClamAV (which is normally the default for webservers) to secure it or give us an AV license which is in appropriate relation to the Plesk license, f.e. the current monthy fee would be the yearly fee. Or change it to use 14 (or 10, or 8) E-Mail-Addresses per abonnement for free with the buildin Plesk PA - not 14 per Server, everything else is completely pointless if users can not decide for a free one.
Maybe someone from the plesk team read this - but I think not. Nothing happens in the last 2 years... -
DerDanilo commented
Why aren't those feature build into Plesk on default?
If one would start using an extension who guarantees that this extension will be supported and work properly in future releases, this would require again that the extension gets fixed once there is another Plesk upgrade.
Please think about adding some of those features as buildinto Plesk on default. They add great value. :)
Kingsley Felix commented
Open discussion since 2013? once Cpanel implement nginx am moving there.
H50K commented
ClamAV is FREE and the Premium Extensions are not CHEAP ;-)
I would go for somae Extensions, but for my VPS Server it would be to expensive!
Maybe you rethink the price or build a package with nice Extensions running 12 Months with effortable even for small customers ;)
Thorsten commented
The feature request was opened mid 2013. Four years later we have still two commercial antivirus extensions which are (more than) expensive in comparison to the plesk license itself... and in addition (to make it more expensive) its restricted to mail scanning and a max. of mailboxes.
As I understand plesk/onyx it is a management software for resellers etc. to simplify the administration of an existing server infrastructure using standard components. Standards on Linux are spamassasin, clamav,, amavis etc.
Security means hardening a server, avoid intrusion, integrity, availability, no viruses (in mails and files), rootkit detection.
So in the standard configuration plesk is neither using a) system standards which are widely adopted and supported, b) doesn't have any virus protection. ok you could install mentions packages for yourself ... but why i should use plesk anymore if the system is not fully supported by plesk?
conclusion: simply say we dont want to support free software, because we want to force you to pay for sub licensed third party software...
to sell a server solution which makes the net insecure by not supporting free available standards like outbound spam protection and virus scanners stands for itself. but dont use the word "secure" on your website anymore...
Anonymous commented
If this feature is not made available I am planning on moving back to cPanel - it is a MAJOR deficiency in Plesk - ClamAV needs to be added ASAP -i.e. now. Your product is not secure as currently delivered.
Danami commented
This is now available as part of the Warden Anti-Spam & Virus Protection Plesk Extension:
Anonymous commented
We run Moodle installations and need ClamAV for Moodle's virus checking with every file upload.
Wiz commented
We require ClamAV as we have paid subscriptions to premium clamav virus signatures which we would like to use.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would be really good!
Julian Pustkuchen commented
I agree ClamAV should be added as default AV Component to Plesk.
Hitesh commented
How to Install & Configure ClamAV as a Module in Plesk on CentOS 7.2 + Plesk Onyx
to Scan incoming & Outgoing Email and FTP files which are been uploaded on server.
Server Scanning for file system. -
DerDanilo commented
ClamAV is normally the "default" choice. Other tools (subscription based or bought) should be optional as this is in other tools.
That's why I vote to add ClamAV as default into Plesk, as well make it default in the installer.Thanks!
:) -
Anonymous commented
Sander Scheer commented
ClamAV is an open-source alternative, the two solutions that are offered now are subscription based and not everyone wants to spend money on this. Please make it available for free, just like the Let's Encrypt plugin.
raykai commented
we need a FREE alternative to paying anti-viruses
Madalin Ignisca commented
I think you mean it's Open Source. That doesn't means that somebody is forced to support something Free.
Daka Media KG commented
yes, +1 to add ClamAV. It's free!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
FTP antivirus and anti malware is missing, Cpanel has this feature