Make possible to manage limit_req_zone for nginx
modbw cannot be used for limiting connection when nginx enabled. Plesk does not provide out of box enabling and configuring limitation of connections for nginx. Please add support for limitreqzone which provide similar functionality as modbw for nginx so that it would possible to control such resources.
We will consider this functionality in upcoming releases if it is popular. Everyone, please continue voting for this feature if you consider it important.
However, please be aware that rate-limiting web traffic can and should normally be done using iptables as it is much more effective and resource savvy doing it on the operating system/kernel level. If there are issues with web traffic, it is best to not to let it get to the web server in the first place.
-- PD
Anonymous commented
I upvote this!
Mik Bakker commented
This should have been added quite some while, instead of spending time and resouces on the UI and graphics.
More and more websites are using nginx, so the regular (Apache) method does not work anymore. So we need a real solution to rate-limit IP-addresses, IP-ranges, bots and so on through nginx.
That way we can keep using Plesk with good performance and not with massive (fake) traffic!
But it seems that Plesk is only keen on spending time on creating UI changes (and adding new graphics) instead of really improving things for server owners and their customers. Also how does UI changes justify the yearly price increase?
raykai commented
I need this functionality in Plesk