Add the possibility to define which theme will be set by default after the WordPress installation
For example when we add the required theme into the WordPress set, after the installation the "Twenty Twenty" theme will be set as default.
Please add the possibility to define which theme will be set by default after the WordPress installation as via the CLI method as via Plesk GUI.
The CLI method is important here because some customers use only this method for a WordPress installation.

We have released this feature in WPT 5.2 update. You can use GUI or CLI to choose a theme that should be activated upon the installation of a set.
CLI command example: plesk ext wp-toolkit —sets -operation activate-theme -set-id ID -theme-id THEME_ID
If you’re using GUI, go to Sets and click on “+ Add Themes” button next to the corresponding theme.
Let us know on our forum ( if you encounter any issues.
Automata commented
+1 for me !
Dear Plesk Team, do you have any news on the release date of this feature ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
Plesk Tech Support commented
If you create a WP set and add a theme, this theme will be just installed with WP but not activated as default. It would be great to have an option in configuration of WP set to activate a theme from the WP set as default one for WP instance installed by using this WP set.