DynDNS-Service Module
Add a new Domain/Subdomain-Type "DynDNS", which redirects to a dynamic IP-Address like dyndns.org and similar sites including an api to sync the current ip address through url call.

Thank you for your input. We will definitely look into integrating DynDNS in our future releases
Pasha Kovshik commented
Any news?
Rocco Burchhardt commented
Why doesn't Plesk integrate a dynamic DNS client so that you can also use a public IP? or are there other solutions (e.g. in windows server 201?
Anonymous commented
i build it in php and it update the dns record as well, no time to wait another 10 years
MatDepInfo commented
No news ?
Johansel Diaz commented
Gustavo Baetti commented
Es muy necesario para bajar costos
Carter Matt commented
How is this not an option when there are so many benefits.
Anonymous commented
+1 waiting for something like this since about 10 years already. hope it comes one day.
jibs commented
Anonymous commented
+1 dyndns module
It's a must have.
Zidane commented
Anonymous commented
please help me
Júbilo Estudios commented
"Thank you for your input. We will definitely look into integrating DynDNS in our future releases" (2018 comment, today is 23/10/2020)
Anonymous commented
+1 for me too!
DynDNS-Service Module for Plesk it's a very, very good idea !
It's a must have !!!
Anonymous commented
i cannot suport cpanel, DNS, hosting
Fabio Perri commented
+1 for me !
DynDNS-Service Module for Plesk it's a very, very good idea !
It's a must have !!!
RaHa commented
Prince: You can install DynDns on Plesk (https://checkip.net/?dyndns) well. But you can not use a dynamic ip-address in Plesk as in fail2ban.
Prince commented
http://www.360doc.com/content/14/0922/22/4171006_411599152.shtmlare work arounds that could work, I havent tried it yet, but will have a look today.
RaHa commented
Thank you for your input. We will definitely look into integrating DynDNS in our future releases.
Please let know number of release! -
Anonymous commented
That would be pretty neat, to have an integrated dyndns-server which is compatible with all common dyndns clients, that you can host your own:
with integrated user management.